Dr Chris Robinson
MBCHB, MRCGP, FRACGP, Dip Derm (Aus), M Med (Skin Cancer, Dist), FAID, FSCCA
Dr Chris is UK trained Specialist GP (MRCGP). He has a 1st class Honours Bachelor of Science (BSc) and a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBCHB). He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practice (FRACGP).
Dr Chris has extensive post graduate education in dermatology, skin cancer surgery and skin cancer medicine, routinely performing complex closures such as skin grafts and skin flaps to repair skin cancer defects. He holds a Masters degree in Skin Cancer (M Med, UQ, Distinction) and works as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland in Skin Cancer.
Dr Chris is a Fellow of the Skin Cancer College Australia (FSCCA). SCCA Fellowship is the highest educational award within the Skin Cancer College Australia.
Dr Chris is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Dermatology (FAID) having completed all their requisite diploma courses (Dr Robinson is not a specialist dermatologist).